Thursday, December 27, 2018

Xtian New Testament in Yiddish

In the late 19th and early 20th century Protestant Christians made a concerted effort to convert American Jews. Key to this mission was translating the New Testament into Yiddish, the community’s lingua franca. But for Henry Einspruch, the author of the first complete Yiddish translation, the motivation was as much literary as religious. Einspruch, a Jewish-born Polish convert who eventually became a Protestant minister, was a writer and editor steeped in Yiddish literature.
Einspruch’s translation, not published until 1941, gives Der Bris Khodeshe a distinctive Jewish flavor. At the Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples munch on matzah and, in the Book of Revelation, seven shofars are blown instead of seven horns. Even the volume’s illustrations seem designed to appeal to Jews. In one, an old man with a long white beard, a tallit, and a yarmulke reads a book by candlelight. The image places the New Testament in the familiar context of scholars studying ancient texts late into the night.
Der Bris Khodeshe was appreciated in the Yiddish literary world despite its author’s mission. Meylekh Ravitsh, a Yiddish writer in Mexico City, praised the translation and encouraged Jews to read it. “The New Testament [is] one of the most important books in the world. How, then, can we Jews afford to ignore it?” And with details like matzah-munching disciples and shofars ringing in the air, why would they want to?

Sunday, August 5, 2018

LGBT Pride Participants - LISTEN WELL

Siddur Avodos Yisrael lists psalms to recite each Sabbath of the year, corresponding to the Torah readings. How fitting that Tehillim 65 was this past Shabbat's Parsha Eikev reading. It came on the hills of the LGBT pride parade in the holy city of Jerusalem! Shame on the LGBT community - as well as the instigators.

Artscroll heads the chapter with the following: A prayer for the time when people will realize the futility of rebelling against G-d, and will completely accept His mastery.

And the verses that stood out for me when I read it.....

5 I said to the perverse, "Do not behave perversely," and to the wicked, "Do not raise the horn.
 ה אָמַ֣רְתִּי לַ֖הֽוֹלְלִים אַל־תָּהֹ֑לּוּ וְ֜לָֽרְשָׁעִ֗ים אַל־תָּרִ֥ימוּ קָֽרֶן
6 Do not raise your horn on high, [do not] speak with [your] fat neck.ואַל־תָּרִ֣ימוּ לַמָּר֣וֹם קַרְנְכֶ֑ם תְּדַבְּר֖וּ בְצַוָּ֣אר עָתָֽק:

Artscroll translates:
I said to the unruly revelers, be not unruly; and to the wicked, raise not your pride. Raise not heavenward your pride, with a haughty neck nor speak insolence.
Teshuva is in order. I would very much like to see my Jewish brothers and sisters written in the Book of Life.As of now, they are the walking dead. The month of Elul begins in a few days. Please do teshuva!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

We Protest the Gay Parade in Our Holy City of Jerusalem

Posted 7:00 AM Israel Time


We, the undersigned Jewish bloggers, hereby protest – in the strongest terms possible – the parading and glorification of an “alternative lifestyle”, one that is classified in the Holy Torah as an abomination, especially through the streets of the holy city of Jerusalem. 

The Torah demands that we live by a certain code of sexual morality, and as such, we are forbidden from certain relationships that a moral society cannot tolerate.  These include incest, adultery, bestiality, and homosexuality.  All these are considered grave sins in Judaism and incur the punishment of Karet, or excision from the Jewish people.  An act performed with witnesses during the time of the Sanhedrin would incur an even worse consequence – namely, capital punishment. 

And this is only on an individual level.  When the sin is committed on a societal level, it is much worse.  The Torah and our sages record how these acts were catalysts for both the Great Flood during Noah’s lifetime and the destruction of the Five Cities of the Plain.

As such, we consider any attempt to glorify acts that the Torah vehemently forbids by parading any such lifestyle through the streets with horror and utter disdain.  Such parades in New York and San Francisco would be bad enough, but through the streets of the Holy Land of Israel is a thousand-fold worse.  The Torah specifically warns us not to act in sexually abominable ways lest we be vomited out of the land.  One can only imagine how it is viewed in Heaven when people brazenly display to G-d how abominable one can be.  And if the Land of Israel cannot tolerate such acts of utter gall, all the more so in the holy city of Jerusalem, a city that is overwhelmingly religious. 

We in no way wish to minimize the struggles in temptation some may have in this area and view with positivity those who have such inclinations and bravely overcome them.  But those are not the people irreverently parading through the streets with rainbow flags, who show utter contempt for the Holy Torah and all we hold dear.

We therefore vehemently protest the “Pride” Parade in Jerusalem and everywhere else in the world where they may occur.  We hope and pray that those who take part in such parades do a complete Teshuva for their actions, and may we see a rebuilt Jerusalem, speedily in our days, Amen.

(in alphabetical order)

CDG from Hava HaAharona

Cosmic X from Cosmic X in Jerusalem

Dassie from Myrtle Rising

Devash from Tomer Devorah

Dov Bar Leib from End of Days

Goldie ZP from Geula613

Rabbi Lazer Brody from Lazer Beams

Yaak from Yeranen Yaakov

Yechezkel Hirshman from Achas L'Maala V'Sheva L'Matta

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What Exactly Is a Rebbe?

I post the following because a fellow geula blogger wrote the following in her comments to a post she wrote. "Chabbad and Breslov are the most like xtianity."  "I'm no expert on Hasidism, but the emphasis on a rebbe as a central figure in the movement makes it vulnerable. It depends on what people do with it, how it develops. I am a great admirer of Gur Hasidut, but the difference between most groups and the two most problematic are that they have a current rebbe to guide them and are not fixated on a dead one."

1) The Rebbe is not dead, he is alive through his talmidim. 2) to compare the Chabad's Rebbe and the Breslov Rebbe's teachings as alike to xtianity is falsrhood. Shame on this blogger. She should watch the video Why Do I Need a Rebbe and do teshuva. 

Editor's note: The following is a free translation of a letter written by the Rebbe several months after the passing of his father-in-law and predecessor, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch. The letter was printed as an introduction to a booklet of maamarim (discourses of Chassidic teaching) by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak.1 

   By the Grace of G‑d 3 Tammuz, 5710 [June 18, 1950] Brooklyn, N.Y. 

  Greeting and Blessing: Many seek and propose to explain the qualities and greatness of Chabad Rebbes in general, and, in particular, the Rebbe of our generation, my father-in-law, hareini kaparat mishkavo,2 in various areas: as a man of self-sacrifice, Torah genius, lofty character, prophetic ability, miracle-worker, etc., etc. 

 These qualities are further magnified when viewed in the light of Chassidic teaching, which explains what is true self-sacrifice, true Torah genius, and so on. 

 And yet, none of this addresses the primary quality of the Rebbe—a quality which is not only primary in essence, but which is most important to us, his chassidim and followers, namely: the fact that he is a nassi, and particularly a Chabad nassi. 

 A nassi, broadly defined, is a "head of the multitudes of Israel."3 He is their "head" and "mind," their source of life and vitality. Through their attachment to him, they are bound and united with their source on high. 

 There are several types of nesi'im: those who supply their constituents with "internalized" nurture,4 and those whose nurture is of a more "encompassing" nature.5 This is further divisible into the particulars of whether they impart the teaching of the "revealed" part of Torah, its mystical secrets, or both; whether they offer guidance in the service of G‑d and the ways of Chassidism; whether they draw down material provision; and so on. 

 There are also nesi'im who are channels in several of these areas, or even in all of them. 

  Such was the nature of the leadership of the nesi'im of Chabad, from the Alter Rebbe6 to, and including, my father-in-law, who embraced all these categories and areas: they nurtured their chassidim in both the "internal" and the "encompassing" qualities of their souls; in Torah, divine service and good deeds; in spirit and in body. Thus, their bond with those connected with them was in all 613 limbs and organs of their souls and bodies. Each and every one of us must know—that is, dwell upon and implant the awareness in his or her mind—that the Rebbe is our nassi and head: that he is the source and channel for all our material and spiritual needs, and that it is through our bond with him (and he has already instructed us in his letters how and by what means this is achieved) that we are bound and united with our source, and the source of our source, up to our ultimate source on high.

1. June 18, 1950. The letter is printed in Sefer HaMaamarim 5710, p. 254 and in Igrot Kodesh, vol III, p. 331-332.
2. "May I be the atonement of his rest"--traditionally added to the mention of one's parent or teacher within a year of his or her passing.
3. Tanya, ch. 2.
4. E.g., developing their minds and hearts.
5. E.g., stimulating their faith.
6. The founder of Chabad Chassidism, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812).

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Rebuilding the Temple -

Do you cry out only because you are told to do so? / The Rogatchover Gaon writes that according to Jewish law the Temples’s destruction is an ongoing event. It’s not that the Temple was destroyed 2,000 years ago—and we are mourning the events of the three weeks, and Tisha B’av, and praying every day for the Redemption, for HaShem to reverse an event that occurred over 1,900 years ago. 

No! The destruction of the Temple takes place every single day! - - so one can understand how much one should cry out for the exile to end, every single day. The Rogatchover proves this from a passage in the Jerusalem Talmud. “If the Temple was not rebuilt in your lifetime, it’s as if it were destroyed in your lifetime. Over 1,900 years have passed…But if today, Thursday, has passed, and the Evening Prayers are also over, yet the temple is still not rebuilt, a Jew should know that he’s expected to cry out for redemption as if he experienced the Temple’s destruction this very day

As to the fact that we’re gathered here to celebrate a joyous occasion…Jews are always expected to live with contradictions. HaShem forced your soul to descend into your body, as the Mishna states: “You were born against your will.” At the same time, a Jew is expected to joyously fulfill the commandment to guard his physical welfare; to love HaShem so much that you fell forced to remain in this body, and a the same time, to joyfully cling to physical life in the body, not allowing your soul to expire in Divine ecstasy… So too, if Jews cried out yesterday for the exile to end and they cried out the day before yesterday - - and all the days before that - -and nevertheless, the Temple is again being destroyed today it is obvious what kind of outcry is in order now for the exile to end! This isn’t some kind of sermonIt’s an explicit ruling in Torah that if one does not merit for the Temple to be rebuilt in his lifetime, then it’s as if he caused the exact opposite…. Imagine a Jew watching the Temple go down in flames at this very moment - - even a Jew with the hardest heart of stone, if he sees the Temple being destroyed before his very eyes, he’d turn the world over. Says the Torah of Truth and the Torah of Life, HaShem’s instruction for life, Turn the world over - - today. At the same time, joyously celebrate 12-13 Tammuz, draw happiness and joy to last you the entire year in order to “serve HaShem with joy and a glad heart,” and celebrate more intensely with each passing year… But there’s no contradiction - - the more a Jew increases in the joy of Torah and the joy of mitzvos, the more that joy will burn up the last vestiges of exile, and reveal Godliness within the exile itself. 

When you reveal the “Alef,” HaShem’s Unity, within the exile itself, then “golah - - exile” itself transforms into “geulah - - redemption.” That itself brings the redemption, completely and tangibly, through our righteous Moshiach, may it be speedily in our days. And this obligation is upon HaShem - - every single day anew. Aside from His 1,900-year-long obligation to rebuild the Temple since its destruction, HaShem also has the obligation each and every day anew, to hear our prayers “Rebuild Your House as it was! And more so greater than it was HaShem will build it with His very own hands, making it an eternal home. May it be speedily and immediately, and with joy and gladness. L'Chaim!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Do You Know a Batya or Basya? Torah Finding of this Name

This below is for my dear friend Basya/Batya. If you also know someone with this name - please comment below if you want me to email the PDF to you. Here is my name.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

No Nation Compares to Bnei Yisroel!

Singer Moti Steinmetz and the Yedidim Choir are releasing a new music video in honor of the Chanukas Habayis and Hachnosas Sefer Torah for the Yeshiva Ketana Ateres Shlomo in Bnei Brak, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary since opening. The video was produced by the Friends of Ateres Shlomo in America and the song was composed by Yossi Green. Yoely Dickman arranged and produced the song itself. צְאֶינָה וּרְאֶינָה בְּנוֹת צִיּוֹן בַּמֶּלֶךְ שְׁלֹמֹה בָּעֲטָרָה שֶׁעִטְּרָה לּוֹ אִמּוֹ בְּיוֹם חֲתֻנָּתוֹ וּבְיוֹם שִׂמְחַת לִבּוֹ.(שיר השירים ג, יא) ביום חתנתו, זו מתן תורה. וביום שמחת לבו, זה בנין בית המקדש, שיבנה במהרה בימינו. אמן. לרגל חנוכת הבית והכנסת שני ספרי תורה לישיבה קטנה "עטרת שלמה" בני ברק ולרגל 20 שנה לייסודה של רשת ישיבות "עטרת שלמה" הופק על-ידי ועד ידידי עטרת שלמה בארה"ב קליפ מיוחד • יוסי גרין הופקד על הלחן, העיבוד וההפקה המוזיקלית של יואלי דיקמן והביצוע הוא של בעל המנגן מוטי שטיינמץ ומקהלת 'ידידים' בניצוחו של יעקב רוטבלט הפקה: שמוליק וינרייך P360 צילום בימוי ועריכה: אלחנן נוסבוים Follow "Shiezoli" Wherever You Are YouTube:

Every Word of Your Lips

Every word of your lips intend to unite: for in every letter there are Worlds, Souls and Divinity, and they ascend and connect and unify with each other, and afterward the letters connect and unify to become a word, and (then) unify in true unification in Divinity. Include your soul with them in each and every state. And all the Worlds unify as one and ascend to produce an infinitely great joy and pleasure, as you can understand from the joy of groom and bride in miniature and physicality, how much more so in such an exalted level as this. Surely G-d will be your aid and wherever you turn you will succeed and reach greater awareness. “Give to the wise and he will become ever wiser”.

A letter from Rabbi Yisrael Ba’al Shem Tov to his brother in-law, Rebbe Gershon SOURCE:

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Moshiach in the News - Rabbi Reuven Wolf

In the last few decades, remarkable signs of the impending Geula have surfaced in many world events. Follow this fascinating series of short, weekly videos and see how Geula is unfolding before our eyes and what that means for us. Rabbi Reuven Wolf.  Moshiach in the News Part 1

 MOSHIACH IN THE NEWS PART 2 I am unable to open so I can't embed the video



MOSHIACH IN THE NEWS PART 4 (trying to locate)









Sunday, March 18, 2018

The beginning of Sifra

There is a special advantage this year i.e. 5751, fall of 1991 through summer of 1992 ( and this year 5778) that the first day of Pesach occurs on Sabbath and the beginning of Sfira is literally " from the day after Sabbath" Vayikra 23,15 is the Sfira Counting began (begins this year) Saturday night. This is in addition to " from the day after Sabbath" to the day after the 'Sabbath' of the first day of Pesach. When the first day of Pesach is Sabbath, the weeks of counting Sfira mirror the week of Creation, from Sunday to Sabbath.

The conclusion of each week of Sfira is Sovereignty (Kingship), the seventh emotional attribute Sovereignty within Kindness, Sovereignty within Beauty, etc. This year the Sfira of Sovereignty is always on Sabbath. Sabbath is connected with the Redemption, " the day that is entirely Sabbath and rest for eternal life" Mishna Tamid 7,4 Therefore, now the Redemption is even more emphasized in Sovereignty.

The kingship of the House of Dovid is in its full strength through Melech HaMoshiach because through him the Sovereignty of G-d is revealed in the entire world, as it is written "and it will be to G-d the Sovereignty" Ovadyah 1,21 "and HaShem will be King over the entire land." Zechariah 14,9

Sovereignty as it is relevant to Redemption refers to Melech Hamoshiach.

Translation of a Discourse April 20, 1991 given by the Rebbe Mh"M

The above is from a collection of excerpts from discourses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, from Hebrew and Yiddish manuscripts. Contact me for this book if interested in hastening the full redemption.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Flush the Bar Mitzvah and Chasunah Music down the toilet!

The music played nowadays at chasunas and bar mitzvahs is a tragedy! I cringe when I hear lyrics put to goyishe music. My husband and I married off an orphan girl. And at her wedding I was so badly shaken up by the "music" being played. The provocative words my memory as a nonjew played over and over sang out as the music belted out. Oh how I long to go to rebbishe chasunahs! I do not hear this at their simchas.

I came across a bar mitzvah video and I saw 2 girls on the stage with the singer, that I believe looked to be over 6 years, dancing in front of a mixed crowd! This is the yetzor hora which is talked about below. I could say much more about this video and what was shown to the world and to haShem most importantly but I will keep quiet.

“Today there are styles in the chassidic music that have no connection to chassidus,” says the singer Mordechai Ben David Werdigger. “It is like being in the jungle. The kushim sing in a more refined way than they do. The words don’t make the song chassidic. Maybe it gives pleasure – like eating pizza, but there is no spiritual pleasure in it.” [from an interview in the Bnei Brak paperKol HaIr 12th Tishrei 5764].

“Something has happened to the chassidic music in the past few years,” says Avraham Freed. “The truth is that today’s young singers have no red lines. I know that I have my limits that I will never cross….. The situation today has worsened to a point that very soon we, the singers and the public will have to shout – ‘The music has reached the gates of hell!’” [from an interview in the magazine Shaah Tovah, Erev Sukkos, 5764].

The singer Gidon Levine [in the same magazine] sums up the situation: “My problem is that the imitation of goyishe music is likely to bring a deterioration in our society, and particularly among the young people.”

These singers [with the exception of R’ Ben Tzion Shenker] fail to mention that they are the ones who started the trend to imitate American rock and roll, and that the younger singers who they criticize are only taking an example from them to copy the new styles of popular street music. Let us finally hear what the “Composer of the year – 5764” Yishai Lapidos has to say about the subject:“I know many people who claim that today’s big singers introduced the disco beat and the rock. For example, 
Mordechai Ben David introduced rock and roll, Deady Groucher brought in the rock, Vindish with Boruch Hagever brought in the trend of ‘converted songs’. The song ‘Moshiach’ of Mordechai Ben David is in the style of real rock and roll, and there is not much difference between rock and roll and dance. The disco of all the big singers such as Werdigger, Freed and Deady have come from the American rock and roll and disco.” [From the magazine, Shiru Lo, Chanukah 5764, p.20].
At present in this country we are witness to the phenomenon of ‘Greek song’. Two of the mushchossim of the tzibbur who were thrown out of Eretz Yisroel returned to America with their merchandise to sell to the public. One of them made rachmono litzlan, a song about the most important principle of the 13 principles. The second took examples from this to make a song about the destruction of Amolek, and they turned them into jazz רח"ל – literally! What happens to a person’s heart when he listens to this version of mechiyas Amolek? He hears that to wipe out Amolek is jazz! Is it possible to receive any good influence from this? Or chas vesholom the opposite, that he is disconnected from the whole concept of destroying Amolek? Or if he hears ‘Moshiach’ with that imbecilic nigun – is it possible to elevate oneself by hearing this? In this way they are killing the public, and we have to publicize them by name – one is called Freed (Fried), and the other is called Werdigger (Mordechai Ben David)! 

“I love the songs,” Fried said of the new album. “I think there’s some great material. There are great messages. There are songs to cry to, there are songs to dance to, there are songs that will inspire. I think it’s a solid album.”

Fried said that he has adopted a certain style to which he has stuck in this album as well. “I have a certain style which is what we call the Hassidic style. In that Hassidic style there are some areas where we’ll take a disco feel or a rock feel,but that’s the extent of it.”
 Anyone who lets their songs into his house must know what this will cause to his Torah. Elisha ben Avuya, one of the four great members of the chaburah, did not stop singing a Greek song, – and it made him into a different person and finally a heretic! We have to throw this out of the house! Throw it all out! And not let this trash remain in the house!
[Rabbi Yisroel Elya Weintraub שליט"א, Lakewood Yeshiva, Cheshvan, 5755]

“Speech is the expression of the mind. Music is the expression of the soul, and by means of this it is possible to determine the level of a person at any time. The prohibitions related to speech apply also to musical expression.”

The Rebbe of Bobov, Rabbi Ben Tzion Halberstam הי"ד.

“I have heard that there is something new that they call “Chassidic music”. I don’t know whether it is kosher or not, but one thing I can be quite sure about – that it has no connection to chassidus, and I do not know if it is suitable for yeshiva boys to listen to it.”

Rabbi Elazar M. M. Shach זצ"ל.

“The non-religious street has managed to infiltrate into chareidi society by means of the modern music.”
Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapira זצ"ל.

SOURCE:The Torah is Not Hefker

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

HaRav Chaim Kanievsky on Jewish Sheitels

See it - Hear it - and Act on it

 As to Rabbi Yaron Reuven's shiur on rhe wigs of the tzdeket Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, make your own opinion whether her head covering is a sheitel or her own hair with a teichel or hat on top as shown below. Maybe the Rebbitzen may have even shaved her hair or at least cut it very short. A beautiful woman and role model and I am wondering - no, that is not the right word - I wish that the Chabad women would stop wearing these sheitels and follow in their  Rebbitzen's footsteps.

The Rebbe's mother of blessed memory.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Overcome Your Fear

B’shalach: Monday: Overcome Your Fear

     “And the Children of Israel lifted their eyes and behold, Egypt was coming after them and they were extremely afraid and the Children of Israel called out to G-d…and Moses said to the Nation, ‘Do not fear, stand firm and see the salvation of G-d…G-d will fight for you and you must remain silent.” The Children of Israel are afraid and they cry out to G-d. What is more natural and fitting than that? If you feel fear – start praying!
     True, it is very good to cry out to G-d and to pray. But Moses saw that the Children of Israel were still in an immature state. They were like a small child who is afraid and calls out to his father. Moses wished to raise them up to a state of maturity. The mature person knows how to employ his mind to overcome his emotions and to calm his fear. Thus, the fundamental point is “Do not fear, stand firm and see the salvation of G-d” (and understand that there is no reason to fear).
     “And know that a person must pass over a very, very narrow bridge, and the rule and the main point is not to feel fear at all.”  (Rabbi Nachman of Breslov). And if you are afraid and run to pray to G-d, it is best to stop praying and put your effort into overcoming your fear by strengthening your faith in G-d.

     (From Rabbi Ginsburgh’s book, Amudeha Shiv’ah)
Join our daily WhatsApp-send a message to +972-507951105 through WhstsApp. Gal Einai Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Open Letter to Jewish Sheital Machers

My dear Jewish sisters, I have a story to share with you. Before I do so, please, you will need to take off your rose-tinted spectacles for a moment and replace them with MY SPECTACLES to understand and realize that there are serious problems in our frum community. Unfortunately, lack of clarity on the part of Sheitel Machers, Makeup Machers, and Jewish Fashion Machers, etc.. is causing many women to bring the accusing angel into their/our gate. And the DIN of HaShem. However, this is a good thing, because our tragedies give us a wake up call to better our ways.

Please allow me to share why I stated the above. You see: singing here "When I was small I could hear the voice of Hashem on Har Sinai. And I longed to say yes, I will do and obey, but I was trapped in a lie and could not escape. But all would be well because I knew that Hashem would bring me home. No matter how long my travels would take my soul knew where to run to. And now I'm home, Baruch Hashem I'm home. Living Torah everyday and longing for hagula. .... I am just one of many who have returned to the emes of Torah. For I obeyed His command שובו בני אדם Boruch HaShem פוקח עורים  המכין מצעדי גבר and so I sing this song of praise in thanks and gratitude because I am home."

You see dear listeners, I wasn't born a Yid. The Torah that our secular Jewish sisters and brothers run far away from is the Torah that I ran towards. I was a slave to my Yetzer Hora and I worshipped falsehoods, so when I see a dear sister that is dressing with clothing that clings to her body and therefore shows every nick and nanny - every curve - when she sits down her skirt goes over her knees, and such  dramatic makeup and long provocative sheitels - this truly breaks my heart for that foolish frum woman does not realize that this should not be! Have we forgotten what the niveum the prophets said about the frum women in their days?

The Torah anthology Yalkut ME'AM LO'EZ The Book of Yeshayahu/Isaiah 3 states.

I know what it is to have attention. I used to be a wanna be actress and model. I hide these pictures from our son. Everyone said I looked like Princess Diana but even more prettier - and yes, the falsehood of flattery had me lose the clarity of what was right and what was wrong! I dressed the part my sisters and this life and this way of dressing IS NOT EMES! Please do teshuva now - please do teshuva now - Run to remove the pictures of yourselves with tight clothes that show every nic and nanny of your body - stop wearing such bold makeup - stop going to weddings with skin tight long glittering gowns. Why  do you allow men to gaze on your body! This is not Emes! Actually, for what purpose are womem allowing their faces to be in these places in the first place. Do you not have emunah that HaShem can provide you money to psy the bills by word of mouth only? Why exploit yourselves? Mamma Rochel Would Never Do Such a Thing! PLEASE VIEW THIS POST NOT ON MOBILE VIEW BUT WEB VIEW TO SEE ALL VIDEO SELECTIONS!

Sheitel Mackers, please see the post The Hair Generation please be the one overturn the DIN of HaShem with the tragedies of famlies being destroyed by fire....Be the first to trim your sheitel to the top of you shoulders ie pixie... or better yet wear a beautiful scarf! You can reach so many jewish women and have the zcheus of dressing as a bas Yisroel should dress. The zchus of tipping the scale to bringing hageula with rachamim. JUST DO IT! Now this would be a great giveaway! Cutting sheitels for free or giving away beatiful scarves!  I closing, may HaShem bentch all of you wonderful women with gezunt, simchas, nachas, parnassah, and may we soon see  שיבנה בית המקדש במהרה בימינו

UPDATE: with comments from other websites
I highly suggest everyone also read the section (if not the entire book!) of Modesty: An Adornment for Life by Rabbi Falk. Rabbi Faulk brings the exact heterim for sheitals and explains in serious terms how most of the sheitels worn by the community (including myself, formerly) are completely ussur because there is NO heter for wearing a wig that cannot be clearly identified as such, including all of the reasoning behind the issur.
Essentially the idea that physically covering the hair is enough is false. The woman is supposed to be concealing her beauty for her husband, not putting herself on display and making herself attractive to outsiders and other men using someone else's hair instead of her own.
Whether or not you want to debate this psak (which in my humble is undebatable anyway) there is still the issue that all the real-hair wigs on the market are ussur anyway. The intent of the women buying these sheitels is to hide that they are covering their hair (probably without realizing it as such, that was me) and that intent is ussur - it's ussur to look like you are committing a sin. And there is still much more to the psak that the majority of sheitels today are ussur - again I suggest reading the book.
True tznius is being beautiful in an unassuming, non-attracting way, especially outside of the home. That is Dat Yehudis and the halacha follows from it. I personally received advice from a posek hador to donate my wig to Ezer Mizion who gave it to a young cancer patient and thus made a tikkun for the wig in its own way. I have never been happier looking presentable in public, but saving my beauty for my husband

Howard Schranz
New York, New York
Hair is not just hair. Beautiful hair attracts men to women in a SEXUAL way. If a gorgeous wig attracts men's attention to the woman herself, there is indeed a SEXUAL element to this attraction. It is instinctual that both men and women crave attention from the opposite gender. Putting on a wig does NOT diminish that desire, but rather is often used to ENHANCE that desire.

Sara Kay
No disrespect, but you are missing the point of the mitzvah (commandment) when you insist that both the skirt and wig is nothing but a "barrier between the naked body and the rest of the world." You quite correctly stated that the purpose of tznuit is keep those areas of a woman's body that are considered "ervah" private. How do you reconcile that explanation with an apparently senseless "barrier" between skin and air? The point of the tznuit skirt and the head covering is to promote a sense of privacy and self-respect in the Jewish woman, and it therefore follows that any attempt to "outwit" the mitzvah (by covering skin with skin looking material or wearing natural hair on top of hair) indicates a deeply flawed understanding of its purpose.

With a true understanding of the mitzvah of covering the hair, it is difficult to justify those wigs that are as natural/beautiful or even more so than natural hair. All that said, I do not judge those who wear them. However, I find it upsetting when it is passed off as kosher

Sura Beily, Jerusalem Um the examples at the bottom dont really make sense. For instance either wear a skirt that makes your bottom look more attractive or walk around skirtless are not the only two options. Dressing tzinus also means not wearing tight clothing. So the skirt shouldnt be so tight that it makes your bottom more attractive. Also it is not tzinus to wear the same color shirt as your skin tone since it can make a man look twice to see whats going on here. As far as the wig there is a problem of people being able to see a difference between a wig and real hair. If it looks like real hair or even better then it can seem you dont cover your hair at all. Also i have seen women that looked 10 times more attractive aftsr marriage because of their beautiful stylish wig which is not good. To walk arou d with this long beautiful flowing wig that makes men look. Thats why in more orthodox circles even before marriage you should have shoulder length hair so its not so eye catching

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Mega Asifa for the Azan Family

Boruch HaShem close to 2,ooo women submitted kabbalos in tzinus!  The Asifa can be heard on Inspire by Wire 718.906.6451 press 3, 2

Monday, January 1, 2018

Fire on Shabbos!

Once again we have fire in Brooklyn. Boruch Hashem everybody got out on the three floors. I was visibly shaken by this fire and fasted on Sunday because of this fire and from a message from the Rebbe of Klausenberger. A book was brought to me by my son from the ashes of the items thrown from the burning home. See below video. What is the message? Pretty clear to me.